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So far Kate has created 95 blog entries.

What Are the Effects of Global Dimming


WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF GLOBAL DIMMING? Global dimming is the gradual decrease in the amount of solar energy reaching the earth's surface. It occurs due to increased particulates in the atmosphere. These particles block the heat and light from the sun, causing a cooling effect on the planet. [...]

What Are the Effects of Global Dimming2022-10-31T16:05:25-05:00

Factory Farming and the Environment


FACTORY FARMING AND THE ENVIRONMENT Factory farming is a cause for concern on the planet. It is one of the major causes of environmental change. This agricultural practice not only harms the environment but also destroys biomes. Biomes are the places where certain animals and plants live. [...]

Factory Farming and the Environment2022-10-31T15:57:48-05:00

Why Should We Ban Bottled Water?


WHY DO SOME BELIEVE WE SHOULD BAN BOTTLED WATER? Bottled water is bad for the environment. Many single-use plastic bottles end up in both marine and terrestrial ecosystems. They make up most of the waste there, and it will take centuries to break down. Even when broken down, they [...]

Why Should We Ban Bottled Water?2023-02-23T09:40:44-06:00

Why Whaling Is Bad for the Environment


WHY WHALING IS BAD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT? Whaling is when people hunt whales for meat, oil, and other things. This has had a big impact on the number of whales in the world's oceans. Many countries still take part in commercial whaling. HOW WHALING AFFECTS [...]

Why Whaling Is Bad for the Environment2023-02-23T10:28:07-06:00

What Is Soil Conservation?


WHAT IS SOIL CONSERVATION? Soil conservation is the implementation of farming practices and techniques that protect soil against deterioration. We can prevent soil erosion and improve soil fertility through soil conservation. TYPES OF SOIL CONSERVATION Soil conservation aims to keep the soil healthy through the [...]

What Is Soil Conservation?2022-10-31T16:08:44-05:00

Why Marine Conservation Is Important?


WHY MARINE CONSERVATION IS IMPORTANT Marine conservation means keeping ecosystems in the world's oceans and seas safe and healthy. It can be done by long-term use of strategies that help keep species in the ocean from being lost.  Additionally, people must stop overusing the ocean’s [...]

Why Marine Conservation Is Important?2023-02-23T18:08:51-06:00

When Will Fossil Fuel Cars Be Banned?


WHEN WILL FOSSIL FUEL CARS BE BANNED? The timeline for banning fossil fuel cars varies by country and region. Some countries have already set targets for phasing out the sale of new gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles, while others have yet to make any official announcements. For example, Norway has [...]

When Will Fossil Fuel Cars Be Banned?2023-02-23T19:54:47-06:00
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